Learn to Massage Face To Prevent Wrinkles

Learn to Massage Face To Prevent Wrinkles
Learn to Massage Face To Prevent Wrinkles
Many ways to beautify and get rid of wrinkles on the face . One of them is how powerful version of Korean women through massage that can help you take care of the face and has been used for centuries ago .

Korean women 's and modify it into a treatment that can prevent premature aging , can even help make skin look more fresh .

You are interested in studying , Moms ? Just follow the steps of facial massage which our Korean -style reports from Vemale.com .

Start by washing your face thoroughly. Wet your face first with warm water , then apply an exfoliating scrub with really soft .

Rub the face with a twisting motion in the direction to get out .
Then rinse your face with cold water and pat dry using a towel . How to dry out not to rub because it will make the skin can be easily damaged .

Pat your face with a towel so that the water is lifted .

Massage lightly over your face starts with the neck towards the top area

To make it easier you can use olive oil or jojoba oil . His movement remains circular and walked out into the cheek area and forehead area to the top .

Apply light pressure using fingertips , then rub 2-3 minutes .

Use the back of the hand to put pressure on the cheek .

Lift the skin on the chin so as to prevent a double chin chin so much faster .

Massaging the forehead and the area of ​​T , use the index and middle finger pads with pressure rather strong but still soft .

Repeat the movement while moving the finger to the eye area and a spin in the nose area .

This massage is usually done every 10-15 minutes twice a week for best results .

Easy to know to do it, Let's try yuk when the weekend arrives .
