10 Benefits of Fruit Bits

10 Benefits of Fruit Bits
10 Benefits of Fruit Bits
Beet crop , which is more commonly known to have health benefits is the tuber . Round like a potato with a dark purple red color . The leaves can be cooked like any other green vegetable . Bit comes from Mesopotamia , which then spread to neighboring countries in Asia as well as in mainland Europe .

Beets contain carbohydrates in the form of sugar with a little protein and fat . Many ways to eat beet root , namely : made ​​juices , boiled briefly to a salad , mashed for soup , and others . To note , when the fruit skin is recommended to be eaten , the fruit bits , the skin should be discarded .

People think that beetroot juice is the best juice for health because it contains natural sugars , sodium , potassium , phosphorus , calcium , magnesium , sulfur , chlorine , iodine , iron , copper , vitamin B1 , B2 , C and P. The content of beet balance alkaline and acid levels , so it is good for the balance of our body . Although it contains carbohydrate , low calorie . So do not worry , eating bits will not increase your weight . In mengasup beet juice , beet roots should be mixed with other fruits or vegetables , because the beet roots alone can make you stiff webbing and tough talk in a certain time , unless you drink pure juice of organic beet root that would cure the stiffness / paralysis on tape sound .

Benefits of beet root :

1 . Lowering blood pressure , healthy heart , and blood vessels
It has been shown to markedly from beet juice lowers hypertension . The content of nitrate is also found in green leafy vegetables , lowers blood pressure .

2 . Increases stamina
Drinking beetroot juice could help people exercise 16 % longer due to the content of nitrate reducing spending or burning oxygen in the sport , so the tiredness caused by reduced exercise . Therefore drinking beet juice mixed at night can be used as a tonic juice romance , adds energy and blood flow .

3 . For detoxification ( removal of toxins ) and cleaning our entrails , and the problem of hemorrhoids .

4 . antidote to anemia
This bit reddish color associated with human blood , so it is used to overcome the problem of anemia . Actually that anemia is iron- content is high enough , the turn back and regenerates red blood cells as well as the supply of oxygen is useful for the health of red blood cells .

5 . digestive Problems
If you have digestive problems , nausea and pain , diarrhea , dysentery , can drink carrot beet juice mixed with a tablespoon of lemon or lime juice . Drinking beet juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey in the morning before breakfast will help reduce the problem of ' obstruction ' in the stomach . The leaves are also beneficial bit overcoming yellow fever and indigestion . Just once a day .

6 . Natural cleanser for the kidneys and gall bladder
The combination of beet juice , carrot and cucumber , is one of the best ways to cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder of toxins that accumulate in the filter both organs .

7 . Addressing the problem of dandruff
To overcome the problem of dandruff is stubborn , try boiling a little bit with a natural vinegar ( apple cider vinegar ) . Then smeared - dab and gently massaged into the scalp . Let sit overnight wrapped in a towel . Wash and rinse the next day .

8 . Beet juice contains very rich in oxidants needed by patients with masalahkanker .

9 . Natural food coloring
Betaninnya womb that produces brilliant red color is used for natural food coloring , such as ice creams , coloring Easter eggs , jelly , and so forth .

10 . Burgundy shades in hair coloring
If you are coloring your hair with henna powder , try to select a black color and then mixed with red beet root juice . As a result, your hair will be black with burgundy and natural gradation . More healthy and stay beautiful naturally .

Ingredients Fruit Bits :

  • Folic Acid 34 % , Function : Growing And Changing Cells Damaged ,
  • Potassium 14.8 % , Function : Streamlining Balance In The Body Fluids ,
  • Fiber 13.6 % ,
  • Vitamin C 10.2 % , Function : Growing Network Channels And Normalize Blood ,
  • 9.8 % Magnesium , Function : Maintain Muscle and Nerve Function ,
  • Tryptophan 1.4 % ,
  • 7.4 % Iron , Function : Energy Metabolism and the Immune System ,
  • 6.5 % Copper , Function : Shaping Red Blood Cells ,
  • Phosphorus 6.5 % , Function : Strengthen bones ,
  • Caumarin that serves to prevent tumors , and
  • Betasianin For Cancer Prevention .

benefits Bit
 There are so many benefits of fruit bits . Here are some of the benefits that we will get to eating a bit :

1 . As Drugs liver and gallbladder .
2 . Destroys Tumor Cells and Cancer Cells .
3 . Strengthen the Function of Blood And Overcome Anemia .
4 . Produce Red Blood Cells .
5 . Lowering Cholesterol Levels .
6 . Cleaning And Neutralize Toxins In The Body .
7 . Circulatory System And Strengthen Immune System .
8 . Against Infection and Inflammation And Kidney Stones Troubleshooting .
9 . Giving Power And Balancing Body .
