How to Eliminate Bad Breath

How to Eliminate Bad Breath
How to Eliminate Bad Breath
Some of the factors that cause bad breath . Such as cavities , gingivitis , tartar, gingivitis because , liver , stomach and respiratory tract . Usually because of the bad breath make friends become less confident to speak in public . want to know the various ways to eliminate bad breath ? Let 's check this out .

The easiest way is to maintain oral health by brushing and friend tongue correctly and regularly . Wash between your teeth thoroughly , then use mouthwash fluids , as brushing your teeth alone is not enough . Should avoid wearing liquid mouthwash containing alcohol above 25 percent because it can cause the risk of oral cancer .

Be diligent to consume yogurt every day , because yogurt can reduce the causes of bad breath , plaque in the mouth , gum disease and get rid of bacteria that can interfere . Should consume yogurt that has no taste and no sugar .

Avoid cigarettes and alcohol which can be beneficial for oral hygiene worsen and can lead to the occurrence of gingivitas and periodentitis . Because alcohol can reduce the production of saliva, which will add to exacerbate bad breath .

Expand consume at least 8 glasses of water per day or 1 liter per day for breaking up the meal . This is done to maintain water balance in our bodies .

Eat foods that contain lots of vitamin C , such as oranges , melons , strawberries and so on , because foods containing vitamin C will make the bacteria is not settled at the mouth . Besides vitamin C can also prevent us from gum disease can cause bad breath .

Drink green tea 2-5 cups of tea every day , because green tea has benefits to eliminate dental plaque and kill bacteria that cause bad breath .

Hopefully the article above can help reduce the problems you are experiencing .
